From the AltWire Archives: Chester Bennington

Recordando a Chester Bennington: Una mirada retrospectiva a A Thousand Suns

Cualquiera que esté familiarizado con mi estilo de escritura habrá notado que evito ser demasiado personal. La observación y el comentario objetivo sobre lo que tengo ante mí es algo que he considerado fundamental...

Por qué es importante la música: cómo la música puede ayudar a combatir las enfermedades mentales

When you go to shows, you have one thing in common with the strangers standing around you. You know the lyrics, you buy merchandise, and you have one common goal. It’s to sing along ...

Goodbye Old Friend: Chester Bennington 1976-2017

Six days have passed since the unfortunate passing of Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington. In the days and hours that have passed since, the AltWire staff have found ourselves struggling to find the right ...

Reseña de Linkin Park – Heavy con Kiiara

  Chester Bennington just trolled every Linkin Park fan who was expecting to hear… …Chester Bennington. I mean the Chester that we’re used to. The Chester whose vocal presence was “one step closer to ...

Chester Bennington Reunites with Stone Temple Pilots for Charity

Stone Temple Pilots will have a one-off performance this March with Chester Bennington of Linkin Park, the remaining members of the iconic band reuniting with their vocalist of roughly two years for From Bach ...

Chester Bennington

Lista de reproducción de Chester Bennington: influencias musicales

In our recent interview with Linkin Park/Stone Temple Pilots lead vocalist Chester Bennington, we asked the singer to name off some of his greatest and biggest influences, and to let us know who truly ...

Chester Bennington

Chester Bennington Interview: Stone Temple Pilots

When you’re as energetic and animated as the world-famous singer/songwriter Chester Bennington, broken ankles can prove to be a real bitch.  Tasked with fronting one of the biggest rock bands on the planet (Linkin ...

Dean DeLeo y Eric Kretz hablan sobre la próxima gira de Stone Temple Pilots

Dean DeLeo y Eric Kretz de Stone Temple Pilots llamaron recientemente al aire para hablar con la presentadora de WAAF-FM, Mistress Carrie de Boston, y brindaron excelentes noticias para su banda, incluida una actualización sobre...

Stone Temple Pilots anuncia gira de primavera

Stone Temple Pilots ha anunciado una gira de primavera por trece ciudades el próximo mes de abril. Las preventas comienzan mañana, 18 de febrero, a las 10:00 a. m. (hora del Pacífico) con códigos de confirmación de asistencia. Las entradas saldrán a la venta al público el viernes 18 de febrero...