
Die schlichten weißen T-Shirts sind mit „Spaghetti-Tattoo“ zurück!

von Derek Oswald

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Schlichte weiße T-Shirts

It’s been a little bit since we’ve heard from the Plain White T’s, but they’re finally back with a new single and video for “Spaghetti Tattoo”. “Tattoo” is an acoustic love song in which frontman Tom Higgenson recounts a memorable first date.

“I went on a great first date with a girl I’d been talking to and DM’ng with for a while,” says Higgenson. “We laughed and drank and got lost in the moment until we realized that we were the last two people in the restaurant! It felt so good to be out again after those crazy last couple years, and the date left me filled with excitement and optimism about love and life.”

It was this date that inspired him to write “Spaghetti Tattoo.” He found it particularly amusing that his date had a spaghetti tattoo on her arm—hence, the song’s title. As he explains in an interview, “She had this spaghetti tattoo on her arm, which was such a fun and silly detail, so I had to include that in the song.” The accompanying music video follows the band members as puppets, paying homage to famous moments in movie history. It’s one hell of an adorable video and one that matches the song’s incredibly sweet premise.

So if you’re ready for some tunes full of nostalgia, heartwarming emotions, and uplifting energy, check out “Spaghetti Tattoo” from The Plain White T’s! Whether it’s reminiscing about your experiences or simply enjoying some feel-good music, there’s something here for everyone who loves classic Plain White T’s sound. Listen below:

Fun fact: Frontman Tom Higgenson recently found himself in the news when he visited a cancer-stricken young fan at her hospital bedside to perform their signature smash “Hey There Delilah,” after which she was named. Read more at CNN.

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