
Smashing Pumpkins veröffentlichen neue Single „One And All“

von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

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Kürbisse zerschlagen

Kürbisse zerschlagen have released a new single, ‘One And All’, off their upcoming album, ‘Monuments To An Elegy’.

The new album is set for release on December 9th, and will include both ‘One And All’, and their previously released single, ‘Being Beige’. Regarding the release of the single, Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan told Huffington Post:

“I basically sang the whole song the first time I wrote it. It had written itself.” He also said the band won’t be touring to celebrate the 20th anniversary of 1995’s Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness—”I’m not interested in promoting nostalgia”—but that they will play in support of Monuments to an Elegy.”

‘Monuments To An Elegy’ is part of a super-album the band started in 2010 with album ‘Songs For A Sailor’, entitled  ‘Teargarden By Kaleidyscope’. The super-album will come to a close with next year’s album, ‘Day For Night’.

Listen to ‘One And All’ below!

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