Saint Asonia Reveal New Album Track List and Release Date

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

Saint Asonia are set to release their self-titled debut album July 31st on RCA Records, with their lead single „Besserer Ort“ the only taste so far of the highly anticipated record. They are fronted by former Dreitägige Gnadenfrist frontman Adam Gontier and the anticipation to enjoy the musician’s talent is high.

Saint Asonia features Stained guitarist Mike Mushok, Eye Empire bassist Corey Lowery and former Finger Eleven drummer Rich Beddoe with Gontier, easily earning them the title of ‘super-group.’

“It does feel like a new band, for sure- a new band, I guess, with a history, with a bit of a backstory, which is nice,” Gontier tells Plakatwand, “a lot of bands obviously don’t have a lot of story to tell from the past, and we do between us. But at the same time it is a new band. We’re starting from scratch and we’re not expecting to go out and headline arenas anytime soon just because of our previous projects or previous bands or anything like that.”

Saint Asonia was created not long after Gontier’s departure from Three Days Grace, ‘unintentionally’ from how Gontier explains; what started as a fun project for Gontier and Mushok grew into eleven or twelve songs that were obviously bound for the studio.

Tour dates will be starting in August for Saint Asonia, the group is ready to show they are a band and not just some ‘super-group’ that won’t last.

The full Heilige Asonia track list:

  1. „Besserer Ort“
  2. „Blas mir die Luft aus“
  3. “Live My Life”
  4. “Even Though I Say”
  5. “Fairy Tale”
  6. “Kind Of Nothing”
  7. “Waste My Time”
  8. “Dying Slowly”
  9. “Trying to Catch Up With the World”
  10. “Happy Tragedy”
  11. “Leaving Minnesota”


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