
New Release: Sylvan Esso, What Now

von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

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Sylvan Esso is an American indie pop duo from Durham, North Carolina that developed in 2013.  It can typically take a band years to develop their sound, write music and really get somewhere with their career – but that’s not the case for this upbeat yet mellow electropop duo. In 2014 singer, Amelia Meath, and producer, Nick Sanborn, made their debut with “Hey Mami” – which reached No. 39 on the Plakatwand 200.  Here it is, 3 years later and they’re back with a new album that is bound to hit the top charts.  What Now has the chill vibes of their first album yet showcases their ability to grow and evolve with the times.

I don’t think there is a single song on the album that I don’t like, but the song Glow really seems to catch my attention the most.  In an interview with NPR, the band said –

“Over all, It’s a song about being lifted off the earth by music — a feeling that I was so used to when I was 14 and which I am constantly reaching towards and trying to create as a musician. I miss it and I’m worried that it’s happening less and less. I want to give it to other people.”

What do you think about the album?

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