New Daniel Johnston Film To Be Made, Lana Del Rey Named As Financier

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

A new film about the making of eccentric musician Daniel Johnston’s most popular albumย willย name Lana Del Rey as an executive producer.

According to director Gabriel Sunday, the short narrative will feature Johnston’s reflections on the recording of his 1983 opus “Hi, How Are You”. A kickstarter for the film has already reached its goal but is still accepting donations forย a little under twoย weeks.

Del Rey and boyfriend Barrie-James O’Niell, lead singer of Scottish band Kassidy, donated $10,000 and apparently received not only executive producer credits but a signed “smurf ukuele”.

Pledge supporters, who also include Pittsburgh rapper Mac Miller,ย are reportedly entitled to rewards that include thank-you notes, signed artwork by Johnston and access to the finished film.

If you’re interested at donating,ย  you’ve got 13 days to go!


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