Lou Reed Dead at 71

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

Lou Reed

Legendary Velvet Underground frontman Lou Reed died at the age 71 today, October 27 2013.

The cause of death has yet to be reported though he did go through a liver transplant in the spring of 2013. His physician said Reed “was fighting right up to the very end. He was doing his Tai Chi exercises within an hour of his death, trying to keep strong and keep fighting.” Reed said himself that he was ‘bigger and stronger” following his surgery. So naturally the news of his death came as a surprise to many. Many paid their respects vie twitter, some giving a simple “R.I.P” and some even ribbing him for his last effort before his death, “lulu” with Metallica.

Lou Reed was a highly accomplished artist whose projects included Velvet Underground, his solo work, and his controversial compilation with Metallica “lulu.” The aforementioned Velvet Underground was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. He is also credited with coining the term “ostrich guitar” meaning all the strings of a guitar are tuned to the same note. Truly an innovative artist, he will be sorely missed.

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