
Korn veröffentlicht neuen Song und diskutiert Extended Edition von „The Paradigm Shift“

von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

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Good news for Korn fans this week came in the form of a new song. “Hater” made it’s radio debut this past Thursday June 19th leading the way for the news of the band’s soon-to-be-released extended re-issue of The Paradigm Shift. “Hater” was written and recorded in a studio near frontman Jonathan Davis home in Bakersfield, CA with the help of producer Don Gilmore and was then sent out to the other members of Korn who added their parts later. Davis had this to say about the new hit:

“In the world, everyone has haters. Everyone has someone who hates on you ’cause you have something they want. It’s really, like, the first empowering song I’ve ever written. The lyrics are: ‘You can’t bring me down / I’ve already had my life turned upside down / I ride a downward spiral round and round / But I keep flying, I keep fighting / Don’t ever bring me down.’ That’s like the most positive shit I’ve ever written.”

Davis also told Billboard during an interview that “Hater” will be the band’s next single and will be available for purchase as of June 23rd.

“Hater” is just one new song that will be found on the re-issue of The Paradigm Shift. As well as a few other new songs, fans can also look forward to some bonus live material and songs from the original The Paradigm Shift session that didn’t make it onto the album the first time around like “The Game is Over”. Davis has also revealed details of a deeply personal new track that he’s written for the re-issue titled “So Unfair”. The song was written for and about Jonathan Davis’ son, Zeppelin, and his battle with Type 1 diabetes. All proceeds from “So Unfair” will be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Organization on Zeppelin’s behalf.

Korn will hit the road this summer as part of the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem festival beginning July 5th in Devore, CA.

The new extended version of The Paradigm Shift is set to release on July 15th.

For more infomation about the re-issue and tour schedule visit Korn’s Official Website.

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