Crosses ††† Releasing Debut Album

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von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

The electronic rock trio, consisting of Deftones leader Chino Moreno, Far Guitarist Shaun Lopez and Chuck Doom formed in Los Angeles, California in 2011 will be finally releasing their 15 track debut album ††† (Crosses), which will also be released as vinyl on February 11th 2014. It will include their earlier work for EP † (2011) and EP †† (2012).

The release of the album was planned on 12th November 2013. Due to the delay of four months Crosses will release their single “†he Epilogue” in the middle of November

You can already listen to “†he Epilogue” here:

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

If you want to listen to more songs of Crosses check out  Soundcloud oder Youtube

Sources: Picture by: Raul Gonzo, Crosses

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