
Die Ausrüstung von Brick + Mortar wurde gestohlen. So können Sie helfen

von Derek Oswald

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Brick + Mortar’s Van With Damaged Keyhole


The last 24 hours haven’t been the best for the Asbury Park, NJ based Indie Rock duo Brick + Mortar (Brandon Asraf, John Tacon). During a recent tour break in Indianapolis, IN the duo were horrified to discover that their touring van had been broken into and that someone had stolen virtually all of their instruments and touring equipment.

“To all the fans that help us through this tour, we love you more than you can ever know.  We were stopped on a day off at a hotel in Indianapolis, left to start hitting the road and noticed someone had broken our door lock and stolen virtually all of our electronics, amps and guitars.  If you know the band, then you’re aware that the electronics are a main component of the live performance and we can’t possibly play any more shows without them.  Any help that any of you can provide would mean everything to us.”

With little to no way for them to tour without their electronics, the duo has created an IndieGogo campaign in the hopes they will be able to raise enough money to replace the equipment that was stolen. The good news is that the campaign so far has been a success. Within two hours of beginning the fundraiser, the band has already raised $4,000 of their $6,000 goal but they still need help to close the gap in order to keep this recent turn of events from impacting their touring schedule.

Being big fans of their music here at AltWire, we wish them the absolute best in reaching their goal, and hopefully even locating the thief to bring them to justice. Hang in there Brick+Mortar!

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