Beavis und Butthead (1993): Urkomische, liebenswerte Idioten

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von Derek Oswald

Beavis und Butthead

Beavis und Butthead are coming back! The iconic animated duo will be returning to Comedy Central and Paramount Plus in the form of a reboot, and fans everywhere are rejoicing.

This new series will be produced by Michael Richter, the creator of the original Beavis und Butthead show, which ran from 1993 to 1997. This article will discuss the origins of Beavis and Butthead, their controversy, and how they became such pop culture icons. We will also look at the upcoming reboot, including who is cast in the show and when it is scheduled to air.

The Origins of Beavis and Butthead

Beavis und Butthead Frosch Baseball

Beavis and Butthead are perhaps the most iconic characters of MTV’s animated lineup. The two brain-dead teenagers were created by Mike Judge, who also voiced them on the show. Beavis and Butthead first appeared in 1992 in the short film “Frog Baseball.” The film was later included as part of the Beavis and Butthead volume of “Liquid Television,” eine experimentelle Animationsanthologieserie.

In 1993, Beavis and Butthead got their spinoff series, quickly becoming one of MTV’s highest-rated shows. The show followed the misadventures of the two teenage friends, who often engaged in crude antics. Beavis is distinguished by his high-pitched giggle and sugar attacks (which breeds his alter ego Cornholio), while Butthead is known for his slow-wittedness and monotone voice.

Despite their low intelligence, the pair often find themselves in situations that result in violence or property damage. Beavis and Butt-head would watch videos on TV, insult them with their trademark wit, eat lots of nachos, and do things many teenagers invested in. Beavis and Butthead proved to be popular with MTV’s teenage audience, and the show ran for seven seasons before being canceled in 1997.

In der Show letzte Folge of its original run, the school speculates that Beavis and Butthead are dead as they have been missing from school for an extended period. This leads the faculty to celebrate that their torment from the duo may finally be over. But, of course, in typical Beavis and Butthead fashion, they were just home all along. In 2011, Beavis and Butthead returned to MTV with a reboot, which, while it ran for two seasons, ultimately was canceled as well.

Main Beavis and Butthead Characters

The following reoccurring characters frequently appear on the show:

Basieren Beavis und Butt-Head auf realen Personen?

Beavis und Butthead

In einem Interview done by John Kricfalusi (creator of Ren and Stimpy), Mike Judge claimed that he got the names of the characters from people he encountered in real life:

JOHN: Wie sind Sie auf die Namen gekommen?

MIKE: Das war nicht sein Name, aber als ich auf dem College war, nannte sich ein zwölfjähriger Junge von nebenan Iron Butt. Sie alle nannten ihn Iron Butt, weil man ihm angeblich so fest in den Hintern treten konnte, wie man wollte, und es tat ihm nicht weh. Er demonstrierte das. Er streckte seinen Hintern raus und die Kinder stellten sich in einer Reihe auf und traten ihm einfach in den Hintern und er sagte: „Siehst du, es tut nicht weh.“

JOHN: Hat irgendjemand schon mal geschummelt? Einen Nagel in den Stiefel geschlagen oder so?

MIKE: [Laughing] Yeah, I did. I taught him a lesson. His parents were … he had a single mother and she was just never around, and he’d be at our house, he’d sneak into our house, he’d be in the backyard, he actually burned down the tree in front of the house once. He was just a maniac and his parents weren’t around. His friend, actually, we called Butt-Head, even though that wasn’t his name. Then there was a kid in the neighborhood about three blocks away, his name was Bobby Beavis.

JOHN: Oh-oh, er wird den Kopf heben und Sie verklagen oder so.

MIKE: Er war überhaupt nicht wie Beavis. Ich mochte nur den Namen. Und er war ein ziemlich sportlicher Typ. Er war einfach ein Typ, den die Leute cool fanden. Ich kannte da einen Jungen, der immer sagte: „Ja, Mann, Beavis ist cool.“ Aus heiterem Himmel sagte er das von Zeit zu Zeit. Es ist so komisch, wenn ich darüber nachdenke. Als ich den ersten B&B-Cartoon machte, hatte ich sie gezeichnet, bevor ich ihnen Namen gab, und dachte nur: Wie soll ich diese Typen nennen? Ich hätte Butt-Head beinahe nicht „Butt-Head“ genannt. Ich war kurz davor, ihn anders zu nennen.

I can’t remember what it was, but I put the storyboard down and came back to it like two weeks later and saw that I had written “Butt-Head” next to the picture, and it kind of made me laugh and I thought, Well, might as well go for every laugh you can get. It was really weird, when this thing started, to hear lawyers and MTV people calling me and actually saying “ButtHead.” People tried to avoid it too. Someone would say, “Yeah, this Beavis and … uh … uhh,” hoping I would save them: “and Butt-Head.” I’d just let them dangle. “Beavis and what?”

How Old Are Beavis and Butthead?

Obwohl ihr Alter nie bestätigt wurde, sind die beiden Neulinge auf der High School, was ihr Alter irgendwo zwischen 15 und 17 Jahren einordnet. 

Beavis and Butthead Controversy

Despite its popularity, the show was the subject of much controversy due to its perceived glorification of violence and juvenile behavior. In addition, some have criticized the show for its sexist and misogynistic humor. Some people argued that the show was crude and offensive and encouraged terrible behavior among its young viewers. Beavis and Butthead were even blamed for several violent incidents in the 1990s.

Beavis and Butthead: Inspiring Child Violence, Or Just Bad Parenting?

In 1993 when five-year-old Austin Messner set fire to his family’s mobile home, killing his two-year-old sister Jessica Matthews, the victim’s mother blamed the TV show. The children’s mother alleged that Austin watched an episode of the show featuring fire and was compelled to commit arson. Whether this is true is up for debate, as neighbors of the family claimed they did not have cable.

Dennoch wurden bei späteren Ausstrahlungen alle Verweise auf Feuer aus der Show gelöscht, einige Masterbänder wurden sogar dauerhaft verändert. Die Autoren machten sich darüber lustig, indem sie Beavis Wörter sagen ließen, die dem anstößigen Wort ähnlich klangen oder weniger als „Feuer“ sagten, aber letztendlich existieren die unzensierten Versionen nur als Raubkopien.

In another incident, Natalia Rivera (eight months) was Killed by a bowling ball dropped from an overpass by 18-year-old Calvin Settle. Like Austin Messner, Beavis and Butthead were again blamed for this act, despite the defendant not having cable television.

Letztlich ist es, wie bei allen gewalttätigen Medien (Videospiele, Filme usw.), die beliebteste Entscheidung, die Schuld der Unterhaltung zuzuschieben, anstatt nach anderen Ursachen zu suchen (Geisteskrankheit, schlechte Erziehung). Wie es in der Show heißt: „Beavis und Butt-Head sind keine Vorbilder. Sie sind nicht einmal Menschen. Sie sind Cartoons. Manche der Dinge, die sie tun, würden dazu führen, dass jemand verletzt, ausgewiesen, verhaftet oder möglicherweise abgeschoben wird.“

Zeichentrickfilme machen Menschen, genau wie Videospiele, nicht gewalttätig.

Beavis and Butthead Movies

Beavis und Butthead machen Amerika unsicher

Beavis und Butthead machen Amerika unsicher war eine amerikanische Zeichentrick-Road-Comedy aus dem Jahr 1996, die auf der MTV-Fernsehserie Beavis and Butt-Head basiert. Der Film wurde von Serienschöpfer Mike Judge gedreht und die Hauptrollen spielte die reguläre Fernsehbesetzung von Beavis and Butt-Head. Robert Stack spielte auch eine höchst denkwürdige komödiantische Rolle als Agent Fleming. Bruce Willis und Demi Moore spielten ebenfalls Hauptrollen in dem Film.

This was the first theatrical Beavis and Butt-Head feature. In the film, Beavis and Butt-Head start on a quest to find a television after their tv is stolen, running into Muddy Grimes, who mistakes the duo for hired assassins.

Muddy enlists the boy to “do” (kill) his wife. Our intrepid team, hilariously misunderstanding the order, set off to find his wife with the expectation they’re going to ‘score.’ Many memorable moments occur throughout their travels, including sabotaging the Hoover Dam, causing a massive pileup on the interstate, and being mistaken for terrorists in the White House. Beavis and Butt-Head Do America was generally well-received by movie critics and scored 70%.

New Beavis and Butthead Movie

A second film is currently in production exclusively for Paramount+ called Beavis and Butthead Do The UniverseDie offizielle Inhaltsangabe der Handlung finden Sie unten:

„Im vielleicht dümmsten Weltraumfilm aller Zeiten wurden Beavis und Butt-Head 1998 von einem ‚kreativen‘ Richter zu einem Weltraumcamp verurteilt. Ihre Besessenheit von einem Andocksimulator (hä, hä) führt zu einer Reise mit dem Space Shuttle, mit vorhersehbar katastrophalen Ergebnissen.

After going through a black hole, they reemerge in our time, where they look for love, misuse iPhones, and are hunted by the Deep State. Spoiler: They don’t score.”

The movie is expected to premiere on the streaming service exclusively in July. It has been highly speculated that the film will feature the characters as adults instead of the teenagers in the series.



In addition to their regular episodes, Beavis and Butthead also starred in a number of extended TV specials. These include the Halloween special Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest, the Christmas special Huh-Huh Humbug, and the Thanksgiving special Beavis and Butthead Do Thanksgiving. Each of these specials is a hilarious and irreverent take on traditional holiday programming.  

In Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest for instance, Beavis and Butthead attempt to go trick or treating and are advised they cannot do so because they are too old. Beavis sneaks into Tom Anderson’s home and eats his bowl of candy, turning into Cornholio. Butthead gets kidnapped by Todd, Beavis gets hung up like a scarecrow and lots of hijinks ensue.

New Beavis and Butthead Episodes

Beavis und Butthead auf Zoom

After being off the air for over a decade, Beavis and Butthead made their triumphant return to television in 2011. The new series followed Beavis and Butthead as they navigated the modern world, making hilariously astute observations about pop culture along the way. The show was a massive hit with fans old and new, but its ratings ultimately diminished, and MTV did not pick it up for another season.

However, proving that you can’t keep Beavis and Butthead down, the boys will be coming back once more as part of a two-season order by Comedy Central. The revival will include spinoffs and specials, and the new episodes will be premiering on Paramount+ after the latest movie releases in July. Much like the premise of the upcoming second movie, the new series will show Beavis and Butthead as they attempt to navigate a Gen-Z world.

Beavis And Butthead in Other Media

ACDC Beavis und Butthead

Beavis and Butthead have appeared in other media since their breakout success on MTV in the early ’90s. In addition to their cartoon series, the duo has also been featured in Comic-Bücher von Marvels Absurd-Label, Videospiele, Und Musikalben. Einer ihrer berühmtesten Auftritte war vielleicht ihr Duett mit Cher in einem Remake des berühmten Sonny und Cher Duetts „Ich hab dich, Baby“.

Beavis and Butthead appeared alongside the famous singer in the music video, with the video being directed by Tamra Davis and Yvette Kaplan. The duo also made an appearance in Live-Konzerte von AC/DC during their Ballbreaker tour. In recent years, Beavis and Butthead have continued to appear in various forms of media, cementing their place as pop culture icons.


Even if you’ve never seen an episode of Beavis and Butthead, their legacy has likely been felt in many of the shows you see today. While the duo was often engaged in childish hijinks, they also provided a sharp and often irreverent commentary on popular culture. In many ways, Beavis and Butthead were ahead of their time, and their legacy continues to influence pop culture today.

Aus Süd Park Zu Familienmensch Zu Rick und Morty, many of today’s animated shows owe a debt to Beavis and Butthead. The show also helped to launch the career of its creator, Mike Judge. Since Beavis and Butthead went off the air, Judge has gone on to create some of the most successful animated shows of all time, including Beavis and Butthead’s spiritual successor, König des Hügels, die kurzlebige Serie Die Familie Goodeund die HBO-Serie Silicon Valley.

Judge führte auch Regie bei den Filmen Büroräume, Idiokratie Und Extrakt.

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