
Jeder beliebige Tag macht die „Apokalypse“ spannend

von Derek Oswald

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Jeder beliebige Tag

Jeder beliebige Tag is back with a vengeance, bringing you “Apocalypse,” the first song from them in a little over two years.

The song was written during the COVID-19 pandemic, which made working on the song difficult and it reflects the current state of the world. Commenting on the relevance of the song, AGD said the following:

“We want to spread the message that we all have to take responsibility in our lives and our society and not just to point at others,” the band says. “Instead of waiting for something to happen or to look for a scapegoat, we all should ask ourselves how we can be an active part of the solution and not be part of the problem. If we all stand together, we can make an impact and can actually change things as a union.”

Any Given Day was founded in 2012 and broke out with its 2014 debut, My Longest Way Home. The band furthered this success with 2016’s Everlasting. The band has shared stages with the likes of Caliban, Bury Tomorrow, Trivium, and Suicide Silence.


Dennis Diehl | Vocals

Andy Posdziech | Guitar

Dennis Ter Schmitten | Guitar

Michael Golinski | Bass

Leon Stiller | Drums

Listen to Apocalypse below:


What are your thoughts on Any Given Day’s new single, “Apocalypse”? Let us know in the comments below!

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