
New Politics starten Tour und kündigen kommendes Album an

von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

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As of yesterday, October 14th, New Politics have officially kicked off their 40-show headlining tour, accompanied by Bad Suns and SomeKindaWonderful. Last night the band(s) played the first show of the ‘Everywhere I Go’ tour at the 9:30 Club in Washington DC and will continue their tour together until their last show of the tour on November 30th in Hartford, CT.  Fans should be happy to hear that the band will also be doing meet and greets at every show for anyone that buys a T-shirt.

New Politics has also shared some other exciting news about their next chapter via their Instagram. The band has announced that come Feburary 2015, they will be releasing a new album entitled ‘Vikings’ on DCD2/Warner Bros records. Considering the band is from Denmark, ‘Vikings’ is a perfect title for the upcoming album. The guys have also filmed a music video for their newest single ‘Everywhere I Go (Kings And Queens)’, that has yet to be released, but have posted some behind the scenes footage, as well as photos from their first show, on their offizielle Website.

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