
Twenty One Pilots nehmen „Under The Bridge“-Session in Australien auf

von Altwire-Mitarbeiter

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The duo that is Twenty One Pilots has already proved that a band made by only two people with a couple of instruments, can totally kick ass. Now they’re at it again, with a totally awesome acoustic live performance. In the midst of their current ‘Quiet Is Violent’ tour, the duo took some time out in Australia to make a very acoustic version of ‘House Of Gold’. The guys of Twenty One Pilots, Tyler and Josh, a ukulele, a drum box, and a video camera was all it took to make this special rendition of the song. They filmed this session right before it started to rain, with 3 minutes exactly to get it done. Given the band’s undeniable talent, it’s no surprise that the guys did a perfect job on the first try, and managed to get through the song before the skies opened up.

This isn’t the first time Twenty One Pilots have put a new spin on a studio released track, however. About a year ago, while touring in Europe, Tyler made a toy piano version of their song migraine, which was extremely unique, and did not get nearly as much praise as it deserved. It seems the guys are always surprising us with new ways of performing their songs, and I’m excited to see what else they have in store for us!

Check out Twenty One Pilots ‘House Of Gold’ Under The Bridge session below.

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